Wednesday, March 22, 2006

prees ur ollae o toilet se vou play

For a while now I have known the dangers of eating raw meat. I attribute this to my loving parents, mostly my mother consistently checking my hamburger for a tinge of pink before I got the opportunity to cover it in condiments, (does that include everything you put on a burger?...If not) lettuce tomatoes and my personal favourite fried onions. Mmmmm for fried onions. Actually lets add to that personal favourite fried mushrooms. Hooray for contradicting the definition of favourite by allowing two. Example. "let your yes be yes and your no be no, and your favourite be preferred above all others". Sorry, I just find that word abused and it bothers me. Back to raw meat. My mother instilled into me that consumption of meat in question of being undercooked was likely to lead to you being toiletridden for the rest of your life. I never questioned. It has been two years since I moved out and the definition of cooked mean has gotten a little bit fuzzy over time. On Monday I cooked fish. Or, on Monday I put frozen fish in the oven for a time deemed acceptable by the back of the bag. I think a large part of my problem was putting the fish into the oven before it had heated up, on top of that the fish has been in the freezer since September and (I actually don't know if this can happen I could be making it up) fish, like humans when frozen at the same temperature for over six months can actually be brought back to life since they have entered what they call a permapermafrozenperma state. Unfortunately for me this fish lacked most of the organ needed to spring to life in the oven so I just got permapermafrozenperma fish. What actually happens is the fish enters a phase that is lower that solid on the fish phase diagram. They call it a supercooled liquid and it is required a lot of energy to reach the solid phase temperature (also know as the freezing point) where it can then go through the phase transformation to solid, then it can be cooked properly. I started eating the fish and it seemed alright until the middle where I conclude, "I know you shouldn't eat frozen pork, or beef or chicken, but I've had sushi before so frozen fish shouldn't kill you...and it takes so much for effort to put the fish back in the over (I had it in the oven for 7 minutes just imagine what another minute would have done to my fish)" brilliant, and now I am feeling the effects...Although if it is actually safe to eat frozen fish, then my stomach is complaining about the all you can eat ribs that I can for supper last night.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Sitting, waiting, wishing

Thirty minutes until I'm in the game, and although I should be getting my game face on my brain aches at the thought. You might suppose a much needed break from school would refresh but today I feel the same way I felt yesterday, as I felt all last week. Overwhelmed and tired of school. My reading week holiday only game me a taste of what life would be like without school and I seemed to like it. I am not certain though, if it was the break from school work I enjoyed or the apparent break from responsibility. School makes my life too organized, leaving no room for spontaneous acts of curiosity and adventure. I want to wake up and be excited about what is going to happen, but I'm not because I can tell you exactly how my day will go. Two more months, I say, and then I can do exciting things...but what a waste of two months, so I've decided to make these two months exciting, although I am not too sure how yet, but I know I am going to begin by getting my game face on...Differential equations midterm in 10 minutes, I will make you exciting.