Sunday, September 10, 2006


I learned a lot this weekend. Several unimportant things that I will probably forget then next time I go to do them, such as the alternate way through Calgary I eventually found when the Deerfoot was closed and how to modify an old rusty clutch cable when your original one breaks. But more importantly I was reminded how genuinely excited little kids are about life, I met two little kids and their mom in Tim Horton’s while I was waiting for my bike to unoverheat. They asked so many questions and made me feel valued and important at a time when I needed it. I also made it home today in time for my little brother's birthday party and enjoyed getting to act like a 10 year old for a few short hours. I was reminded how much I hate asking for help, but also how awesome it is when people offer it, meeting generous strangers and allowing my friends the opportunity to remind me how great they are. "How are you doing Caleb?" I couldn't be doing much better.